Zerv Release Notes
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June 2022 Release Information
Click here to view our product update webinar.
Visitor Management 2.0
- The Visitor section in the Zerv Management Portal has been updated to make it easier to create new visitors. We’ve updated the controls that walks an admin through adding the Groups of Devices and/or individual Devices to a visitor’s account. We also updated the format of entering the visitor and requestor details to improve the user experience.
- The invitation email a visitor receives has been updated to include the dates and times the visitor may access the facility. We have also improved the appearance of the invitation email. Your company logo can be present in the email.
- The web page the visitor goes to when they click on the invitation link has been updated to look and feel easier for the visitor to use. It clearly states when and where the visitor will have access.
- We have also included a new visitor manager role. This role will allow an admin to give access to a staff member who will only need access to information about visitors and not users of the system.

Zerv Life App Updates
- We’ve improved the slide control used to unlock access points manually. This improvement will make it easier for your users to know what access points they can access as well as it is easier for them to manually unlock the access point. A message will be returned that tells the user if they have been successful or not in unlocking the access point.
- If a user has the Automatic Unlock enabled, and they cannot get an access point to unlock, the user can now slide the access point tile to the left and a “Connect” button will show. When this button is clicked, then the app will send an unlock message automatically.
- The look and feel of the mobile app have been updated to include new logos also.
- We’ve improved the performance to the download of locations functionality. Now it does not take as long when a user clicks on “Refresh My Places”.

May 2022 Release Notes
- Performance and stability improvements
- Significant improvement of the initial download speed of user access scope.
- Continuous delivery of mobile app logs and log optimization
- Continuous delivery of mobile app logs at 30 min intervals therefore eliminating need to manually push the logs by the user. This feature is also used to compress the log file.
- Option to push logs prior to login
- Multiple bug fixes